The Ten Most Famous Poems of Bird Collection English Version.
①A summer bird came to my window to sing and flew away.
Yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall with a sigh.
②The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.
It becomes small, as small as a song, as small as an eternal kiss.
③Her eager face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
④Worry has calmed down in my heart, just as dusk falls on the silent mountain forest.
⑤I sat at my window this morning, where the world like a passer-by stopped for a moment, nodded to me and passed away.
⑥You can't see yourself, all you see is your own shadow.
⑦I can't choose the best.
That's the best choice for me.
⑧May the bird be a cloud.
Yuner is willing to be a bird.
⑨You smiled and said nothing to me.
I think I've been waiting for a long time.
⑩The fish in the water are silent, the beasts on the land are noisy, and the birds in the air are singing.
However, human beings have silence in the sea, noise on the ground and music in the air.
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