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protected storage

时间:2025-01-01 03:04:22 浏览量:

网络保护性存储; 受保护存储; 受保护存储区; 受保护的存放装置; 受保护的寄存装置


The coated strip is protected by new colorless non-poisonous chemical passivation and oiling free from corrosion in transportation and storage. 采用新的化学无色、无毒钝化工艺以及涂油方法对镀带进行再保护,以防止在运输、贮存过程中腐蚀。

Develop procedures which specify how your products will be protected from damage or deterioration during storage. 制定程序规定防止产品在储存期间损坏或变质的方法。

Choose a security level appropriate for this item contained in your Protected Storage 选择一个适合于这个包含在受保护存储中的项的安全级别

Protected Storage could not change your password. 已保护的存储器无法更改您的密码。

Protected storage uses your Windows password to protect your personal data. 受保护的存储区使用您的windows密码保护您的个人数据。

Mathematical Simulation of Three Dimensional Velocity Fields in Local Scour Around Piers Protected by the Sediment Storage Dam 采用拦沙坝防护的浅基桥墩局部冲坑三维流场数值模拟

Protected Storage helps safeguard data you want to keep private. These details show which program is attempting to access data in your Protected Storage. 受保护存储帮助您保护您的私人数据。这些详细信息显示哪个程序在访问您的受保护存储中的数据。

Be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result; be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. 防止可能使测量结果失效的调整;在搬运、维护或贮存期间防止损坏或失效;

Protected by responsive anti-abuse controls, this updated storage system gives you the option to never delete another email! 在防滥用系统保护下,全新的存储系统让您咋都不用删除电子邮件!

The LWL must be protected from high humidity during storage. 在储存期间,必须保护lwl以免受高湿度的影响。

The measuring equipment shall be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. 测量设备应在搬运维护和贮存期间防止损坏和失效。

Provides protected storage for sensitive data, such as private keys, to prevent access by unauthorized services, processes, or users. 提供对敏感数据(如私钥)的保护性存储,以便防止未授权的服务,过程或用户对其的非法访问。

Under exclosure conditions, vegetation restoration and litter accumulation not only effectively protected soil from loss through wind erosion, but also significantly increased plant soil system carbon storage, and thus sequestration of atmospheric carbon. 采取围封恢复措施后,植被恢复和凋落物积累使土壤免遭风蚀,也显著增加了土壤有机质的输入,因而显著作用于大气C的截存。

Most storage systems have serious security flaws, because these data were mainly protected through the operating system access control mechanisms. If you bypass the operating system and access the storage devices physically, you can freely access the data. 大多数存储系统都有严重的安全缺陷,因为数据主要是通过操作系统的访问控制机制来进行保护,用户只要绕过操作系统,物理上接触存储设备,就能随意访问这些数据。

By adding this scheme, data can be protected not only in a single storage node, but also can be fault tolerant between nodes. 使得数据不仅在单节点上能得到保护,在节点间也具有相互容错功能。

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