歌曲《shape of my heart 》的意思是什么
He deals the cards as a meditation 他玩牌的时候似乎在冥思And those he plays never suspect 他的对手从来没有怀疑过这点He doesnt play for the money he wins 他玩牌并非为了赢得金钱He doesnt play for the respect 也不是为了得到人们的尊重He deals the cards to find the answer 他玩牌只是为了得到答案The sacred geometry of chance 那些神秘的几何概率The hidden law of probable outcome 那可能结果中隐藏的法则The numbers lead a dance 数字如同引出一场舞蹈I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富But thats not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状He may play the jack of diamonds 他可能会出一张方块JHe may lay the queen of spades 也可能会下一张黑桃QHe may conceal a king in his hand 也可能手里藏了一张KWhile the memory of it fades 而这些记忆,在渐渐地消亡I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富But thats not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状Thats not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你Youd maybe think theres something wrong 或许你会觉得那不是真的Im not a man of too many faces 我并非一个多面多变的男人The mask I wear is one 我始终戴着这唯一一副面具Those who speak know nothing 那些妄言的人其实是无知的And find out to their cost 他们一定会为此付出代价Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像那些到处诅咒命运的人And those who fear a lost 和那些笑着的人其实是输家I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富But thats not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状Thats not the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状
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