Sichuan - New Club & decoration engineering design company, 16 years of industry experience in hotel design, senior business club, commercial real estate planning, office buildings, villas, luxury design, advertising media planning case involving various fields, the new owner is willing to actively innovate, in the design of creative and technological progress, the courage to go in the forefront of the times. Using the concept of modern international advanced urban planning, architectural design and environmental art techniques, in helping customers achieve business goals, but also to achieve a leap in their own professional technology.
Company now has five major advantages of integration:
First, a focus on industry peers and the authority of the Department of communication and cooperation. We pay attention to the overall design and harmony, well aware of the design, management and professional cooperation in the professional advantages and cost advantages, adhere to provide a full, full of wisdom, embodies the oriental characteristics and the advantages of the combination of western design works, for each space to create a unique feeling and can touch comfort.
Second, the company has dozens of years of excellent design group and Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guangzhou and other places of exquisite technology construction team, and to cultivate and foster a large number of management personnel and engineering and technical personnel.
Third,company self created so far, has completed hundreds of a number of design and construction of the project, in the fierce market competition, the new owner of the brand image has been deeply in every area of society, since its establishment, the company has won several decoration consumers trust the brand name, won many design awards.
Four, the new owner will be to innovative design and excellent service for you service, high-quality, high efficiency, high level design team will for you to create the ideal design boutique.
Five, we the biggest passion enthusiasm for the commissioned design units and service with the industry, also welcome all sectors of the industry to take a flexible approach to work with us.
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