Yuanzhou Decorate was established in 1997, after 16 years' steady development, now has become a large home decoration enterprise in home decoration design, product design, home furnishing experience stores. Now, Yuanzhou Decorate makes Beijing as management service center, and we also have more than 20 retail stores and more than 50 franchisees, our service is all over China.
During these years’development,Yuanzhou Decorate always adheres to the responsibility to promote the development of the industry, abides the development strategy of “home decoration - home furnishing - living environment”,the home furnishing idea of “Oriented family, love life”, creating numbers of industry-leading home decorate business model.
During these years, Yuanzhou Decorate focuses on experience, design, construction, products and service. With effective group development trajectory, we integrate environmental home industry chain, and then forms multi-brand prosperity patterns: as the basis of the brand named “Yuanzhou”, the accessorial brands of “Yuanzhou” have been established, which are "Zhishang•Mingzhu” high class design service institute, “Baizi Cupboard”, "Manle Cloth Art”, "Swisdom Investment Consulting Firm”, and have corporation with Many well-known brands at domestic and abroad, achieve to make home furnishing with same style, same material and same process.
As the first green company getting China Environmental Labeling certification in decoration industry, Yuanzhou is always forefront of the industry in environmental protection, established sound standards of material and construction. Yuanzhou establishes effective standards to eliminate air pollution, optical pollution, noise pollution, committed to build a "harmonious green Habitation” for owners.
With the same concept of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature living, in 2010, Yuanzhou and Vanke established national strategic cooperation to struggle for China's home furnishing.
Along the way, Yuanzhou fully loads Honors, topped to "China Top 500 Brands" for six consecutive years. In 2012, Yuanzhou gloriously lists with brand value of 3.389 billion Yuan again.
2013年6月26日,世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)发布了2013年(第十届)《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜。元洲装饰以41.92亿品牌价值再次荣膺“中国500最具价值品牌”称号,连续7年榜上有名,并实现品牌价值持续上升。On 26th Jun 2013, World Brand Lab released the ranking list for 2013 the Tenth "China 500 Most Valuable Brands". With its 41.92 billion brand value, Yuanzhou was awarded for the seventh consecutive year and achieved rising brand value.
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