主页 > 知识与问答 > 唯美婚纱英文句子有哪些 有关婚纱的英文句子

唯美婚纱英文句子有哪些 有关婚纱的英文句子

时间:2024-09-17 20:51:40 浏览量:




It is not only the bride's exclusive wedding dress, but also a dream of many women.


The wedding dress is every girl's yearning. All kinds of beautiful wedding gowns make us dazzled.


If a good figure is a gift from heaven, then a good wedding dress, that is, their own gifts, layers of design, as if it is telling countless love


I want to have a wedding with my dear girlfriends.


1. 那一件薄薄的婚纱,承载着我们许多的梦想和希望。

That thin wedding dress carries many of our dreams and hopes.


The wedding is the perfect dream for every girl, and the wedding dress is the dream wedding dress.


Bite your lips and put on your wedding dress. Please enlighten me for the rest of my life.


The bridal dress, which was filled with cascading veils of roses and jewels woven with soft satin, was a longing for love and a longing for happiness.



A woman must wear a white wedding dress and take a beautiful wedding photo.


A wedding dress is full of yearning for future life. A wedding photo, in addition to wanting to retain her beauty, wants to prove that she has chosen the right one. Those who are around you are worthy of trust and trust.

3. 橱窗前,婚纱膨胀着莹洁而纯净的光,这些附着在新娘身上的物什,仿佛生来就沾染了贵族气息,隐隐含着不可一世的傲慢与神圣。

In front of the window, the wedding dress swelled with bright and pure light, these things attached to the bride, as if they were born with a noble atmosphere, implying the immortal arrogance and sacredness.

4. 一件婚纱,充满了对未来生活的向往。一张婚纱照,除了想留住自己的美丽,还想证明自己选对了。在自己身旁的人,是值得信任和依靠的。

A wedding dress is full of yearning for future life. A wedding photo, in addition to wanting to retain her beauty, wants to prove that she has chosen the right one. Those who are around you are worthy of trust and trust


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